I’ve been keeping a low profile today. On the way home last night I somehow managed to fall asleep in the park near the Metropole and was rudely awakened by a Monagasque gendarme poking me with his nightstick. It was the same one that rounded up our fake Bobbies earlier in the week. You would think they could have a bit more respect, with the amount of money we reinsurance professionals spend here.
Things started out well enough. I did some networking over cocktails in the various hospitality lounges helpfully arranged by the big reinsurers. I certainly don’t detect any liquidity issues and the bars seemed to have plenty of capacity!
After doing my rounds I had supper at Le Road Rage, the new sports bar down by the harbour. It’s not exactly "belle epoque," but great fun doing computer simulated laps of Monaco and eating Grand Prix burgers during virtual pit-stops.
In retrospect I should have called it a night there but instead I was talked into having a nightcap or three at Johnnyz nightclub. To cut a long story short, my dear client Ivan from Kruschbutski Mockba introduced me to Irina, who he described as his PA. Not only was she an extremely talented and expressive dancer but was also genuinely interested in my opinion on the outlook for the D&F market. She knew a thing or two about sanctions as well, and we are going to meet up next time she is in London to discuss it some more.
Anyway what with all the dancing and drinking Novichock cocktails (vodka and green chartreuse)! I somehow didn’t make it all the way back to the hotel and wound up in the park with a cactus for a pillow and spot fine from Monsieur ‘Ello ‘Ello ...
Got to dash now: I’m having dinner with the boss and some big clients tonight at the upmarket Michelin-starred Chez Barnier Grill.